Top 12 Paid AI Tools for Marketing in 2024

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Top 12 Paid AI Tools for Marketing in 2024

Discover the top 12 paid AI tools for marketing in 2024 to enhance your marketing strategies with powerful content creation, email marketing, and SEO tools.

Digital transformation is king, and so are the paid AI tools for marketing. Artificial intelligence is the crown jewel of modern marketing strategies.

From automating ordinary tasks to providing deep, actionable insights, AI tools are not just helpful; they are revolutionizing the way marketers engage with their audiences, optimize campaigns, and maximize returns.

Imagine a cold, chill Monday morning as a remote worker with an AI assistant that predicts customer behavior, crafts personalized content, and optimizes ad campaigns, while you sip your morning coffee and catch up on your favorite TV show.

Trust me, this is the future of marketing that has come to stay, where artificial intelligence is not just a catchy word but a game-changer.

AI tools harness the power of machine learning and data analytics to ease and enhance various aspects of marketing, from content creation and SEO to customer relationship management and predictive analytics.

In this article, I will examine the top 12 paid AI tools for marketing in 2024 that are creating a new digital narrative. I will explore each tool’s unique features, practical applications, and how they can fit into your existing marketing framework to boost both productivity and performance. Let’s get into it!

Contents show

12 Paid AI Tools for Marketing in 2024

Let’s explore these revolutionary tools that promise to transform your digital marketing strategies.

1. Flick (for Social Media Marketing)


ai social media


Flick is an innovative AI-powered tool specifically crafted to transform social media marketing by optimizing hashtag usage. Ideal for platforms like Instagram, where hashtags significantly influence reach and visibility, Flick is indispensable for marketers aiming to boost engagement and expand their digital footprint.

This tool leverages advanced algorithms to analyze and recommend hashtags that are not only relevant but also strategically beneficial, ensuring content reaches its intended audience effectively.


i. Hashtag Search

Flick’s Hashtag Search feature empowers marketers to discover optimal hashtags for their content. By entering a keyword, users are presented with a curated list of related hashtags, complete with engagement metrics and usage stats.

This feature is particularly valuable as it allows for a targeted approach, identifying high-performing hashtags that have lower competition, thereby maximizing content visibility.

ii. Hashtag Analytics

With Flick, users gain access to comprehensive analytics that break down the performance of individual hashtags. This data includes metrics on engagement rates, frequency of use, and comparative analysis against competitors.

Such insights are crucial for marketers to understand which hashtags are most effective at driving engagement and how they stack up against similar tags used by competitors.

iii. Health Score

Each hashtag analyzed by Flick is assigned a “Health Score,” a unique metric that evaluates the tag’s effectiveness in current market conditions.

This score is calculated based on factors like popularity, competitiveness, and recent engagement trends, helping marketers assess whether a hashtag is likely to contribute positively to their posts.

iv. Account Analytics

Flick extends its functionality with Account Analytics, providing a holistic overview of how selected hashtags impact overall account performance.

This feature tracks growth trends, engagement rates, and the effectiveness of hashtag strategies over time.


  • Solo (£11/month): Ideal for individual users, this plan allows scheduling up to 30 posts per month across social media platforms and tracking 30 Instagram posts per month, with access to some features of the tool.

  • Pro (£24/month): Geared towards professionals seeking more robust capabilities, this plan offers unlimited scheduling and tracking of Instagram posts, along with access to all available features.

  • Agency (£55/month): Designed for larger marketing agencies, this plan supports linking up to 20 social profiles and provides unlimited post scheduling and Instagram post tracking, plus access to all features, facilitating comprehensive social media management.

2. Jasper AI (for Copywriting)


ai marketing tool


Jasper AI is a state-of-the-art AI copywriting tool that significantly enhances content creation across various digital marketing channels.

Designed to assist both seasoned copywriters and marketing novices, Jasper utilizes advanced artificial intelligence to generate high-quality, engaging content that resonates with audiences.

Ideal for creating everything from blog posts and email campaigns to social media updates and ad copy, Jasper AI stands out as a versatile and invaluable tool in the arsenal of digital marketers looking to streamline their content production and improve their search engine optimization effectiveness.


i. Content Templates

Jasper AI offers an extensive array of content templates that cater to a wide range of needs, from blog articles and social media posts to ad copy and product descriptions.

These templates are designed to kickstart the writing process, providing users with a structured format that can be easily customized to fit their specific content requirements.

ii. Boss Mode

Boss Mode takes Jasper’s capabilities to the next level by giving users direct command over the AI’s output.

This feature allows more detailed input and control, enabling users to fine-tune the AI’s responses and tailor the content even more closely to their needs.

iii. Multi-Language Support

Understanding the global nature of digital marketing, Jasper AI provides support for creating content in multiple languages. This ability to produce localized content on the fly is invaluable for businesses looking to expand their reach across international markets.

iv. SEO Optimization

Jasper integrates seamlessly with SEO best practices to ensure that all content is optimized for search engines right from the draft stage.

The tool suggests keywords, advises on the optimal use of these keywords in the content and helps structure articles for better readability and search engine visibility.



best ai marketing tools


  • Creator ($39 per month): This plan includes one user seat, offers a single brand voice for tailored content creation, provides access to SEO optimization features, and includes a browser extension to use AI-assisted writing across the web.

  • Pro ($59 per month): Suitable for small teams, this plan includes one user seat (expandable up to five), supports three brand voices, allows the creation of ten knowledge assets and three instant campaigns, and includes advanced features like collaboration tools, user management, and access to Jasper Art for enhanced content creation.

  • Business (Custom pricing): This fully customizable plan is designed for large organizations, offering unlimited usage of all features, including team spaces for collaboration, performance analytics, custom style guides, enterprise-grade security, and advanced administrative controls, along with API access for integrating Jasper’s capabilities into existing systems.

3. ChatGPT (for Conversational Marketing)


marketing strategy


ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is an advanced AI tool designed to revolutionize conversational marketing. This powerful platform uses sophisticated natural language processing algorithms to simulate human-like conversations, enabling businesses to automate customer interactions with a high degree of personalization and responsiveness.

Ideal for engaging users on websites, social media platforms, and customer service portals, ChatGPT helps companies improve customer satisfaction, streamline communication processes, and increase overall efficiency.


i. Real-Time Interaction

ChatGPT excels in providing real-time responses to customer inquiries, which is crucial for maintaining engagement and ensuring a high level of user satisfaction.

Read Also:  15 Best AI Marketing Tools For Increasing ROI in 2024

This capability allows businesses to handle a larger volume of interactions without a corresponding increase in response time or overhead costs, making it an invaluable asset for customer support and lead generation.

ii. Customizable Conversation Flows

One of the key features of ChatGPT is its ability to adapt conversation flows based on the context of the interaction.

Businesses can customize the AI’s responses to align with their specific tone, brand messaging, and communication strategies. This customization not only improves the relevance and effectiveness of the interactions but also helps maintain brand consistency across all customer touchpoints.

iii. Integration Capabilities

ChatGPT can be integrated into a variety of platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and social media channels, ensuring a seamless interaction experience for customers regardless of how they choose to communicate with your business.

This flexibility is crucial for companies looking to provide a unified customer service experience across multiple channels.

iv. Continuous Learning and Improvement

ChatGPT is designed to learn from interactions and improve over time, which means that it gets better at handling queries and delivering more accurate responses as it processes more data.

This self-improving capability is essential for keeping conversational AI relevant and effective as customer behaviors and preferences evolve.

Pricing Plan


ai powered solution


  • Free ($0 per month): Offers unlimited messaging, interactions, and access to historical data using the GPT-3.5 model, providing robust conversational capabilities without any cost.

  • Plus ($20 per month): Upgrades to GPT-4, the most advanced model, and includes additional features such as the ability to browse, create, and use customized GPTs, along with access to tools like DALL·E for image creation, advanced browsing options, and enhanced data analysis capabilities.

  • Team ($25 per month): Extends the Plus offerings with higher usage caps for messages and tools, the ability to create and share GPTs within a collaborative workspace, and includes an admin console for effective workspace management.

  • Enterprise: Tailored for large organizations needing scalable and secure AI solutions, this plan offers customized features to support extensive enterprise requirements, focusing on integration, security, and comprehensive administrative control.

4. Synthesia (for Video Content Creation)


ai video generator


Synthesia is a cutting-edge AI tool that revolutionizes video content creation by enabling users to produce high-quality videos without the need for traditional filming equipment or professional actors.

This platform is particularly beneficial for digital marketing teams looking to incorporate visually engaging content into their campaigns efficiently and cost-effectively.

Synthesia uses advanced artificial intelligence to synthesize video from text, making it an invaluable asset for creating everything from educational tutorials to product demos and marketing announcements.


i. AI-Powered Avatars

Synthesia allows users to choose from a library of AI avatars who present their scripted content in videos. These avatars can be customized to match the tone and style of the brand, providing a personalized touch to the video content without the logistical challenges of live video shoots.

ii. Text-to-Video Technology

At the heart of Synthesia’s capabilities is its advanced text-to-video conversion technology. Users input their script, and Synthesia transforms it into a fully animated video.

This feature significantly simplifies the video production process, allowing marketers to focus more on content quality and less on the technical aspects of video creation.

iii. Multi-Language Support

Understanding the global reach of digital content, Synthesia supports video creation in multiple languages.

This feature is particularly useful for international brands that need to communicate with a diverse audience across different regions.

iv. Customizable Templates

Synthesia offers a variety of customizable video templates that are tailored for different types of marketing needs, such as product introductions, how-to guides, and company updates.

These templates provide a professional look and feel while allowing for significant customization to align with specific marketing goals.

Pricing Plan


best ai marketing tools


  • Starter ($22 per month): Suitable for small projects, this plan includes one editor and three guest slots, offers 120 minutes of video per year, access to over 70 AI avatars, and supports 120+ languages and voices.

  • Creator ($67 per month): Designed for more frequent content creators, this plan provides one editor and five guest slots, 360 minutes of video per year, over 90 AI avatars, and includes audio downloads along with support for 120+ languages and voices.

  • Enterprise (Custom pricing): Tailored for large organizations with extensive video production needs, this plan offers unlimited video minutes per year, access to over 140 AI avatars, support in 120+ languages and voices, and includes priority customer support.

5. MarketMuse (for Content Strategy and SEO)


seo optimized content


MarketMuse is an AI-driven platform that specializes in content strategy and SEO optimization, designed to enhance the quality and performance of digital content across various channels.

By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, MarketMuse analyzes existing content landscapes and provides actionable insights to help marketers create content that is both authoritative and SEO-friendly.

This tool is essential for digital marketing teams aiming to boost their organic search rankings and establish thought leadership in their respective industries.


i. Content Inventory and Audit

MarketMuse offers a comprehensive content inventory and auditing feature that scans your entire website to assess the quality and relevance of each piece of content. This audit helps identify gaps in content and opportunities for improvement, ensuring that all published material contributes positively to the site’s SEO strategy.

ii. Competitive Analysis

With MarketMuse, marketers can perform in-depth competitive analyses to understand how their content stacks up against competitors in terms of depth, quality, and SEO performance. This insight allows for strategic adjustments that enhance content effectiveness and visibility in search engine results.

iii. AI-Powered Content Recommendations

The platform uses machine learning algorithms to generate content recommendations that align with SEO best practices. These suggestions include optimal keywords, relevant topics, and content structures that are most likely to resonate with the target audience and rank well on search engines.

iv. Content Optimization Score

Each piece of content is evaluated by MarketMuse and given an optimization score, which reflects how well it’s poised to perform in search rankings. This scoring system helps marketers prioritize content revisions and optimize new content creation to ensure maximum SEO impact.

v. Integration with Content Management Systems

MarketMuse integrates seamlessly with popular content management systems (CMS), allowing marketers to apply its recommendations directly within their existing workflows. This integration streamlines the content optimization process, making it easier to implement changes quickly and efficiently.

Pricing Plan


tools marketers


  • Free ($0 per month): Offers limited page-level insights for one user and allows up to 10 queries per month, suitable for individuals or small businesses starting with content optimization.

  • Standard ($149 per month): Provides full page-level insights for one user with an allowance of 100 queries per month, ideal for regular content creators seeking enhanced SEO analysis.

  • Team ($399 per month): Expands access to full page-level insights for three users and offers unlimited queries and content briefs, perfect for small teams needing comprehensive content and SEO strategy tools.

  • Premium (Custom pricing): Delivers advanced page and site-level insights, includes inventory and topic tracking, and offers personalized metrics tailored for large organizations or agencies requiring deep content strategy and optimization capabilities.

6. Zapier (for Marketing Automation)


ai email marketing tools


Zapier is a versatile AI tool that specializes in marketing automation, enabling businesses to streamline their workflows by connecting different apps and services.

This powerful platform helps digital marketers automate repetitive tasks, integrate their tools without complex code, and optimize their processes to save time and increase efficiency.

Ideal for businesses of all sizes, Zapier supports a vast array of applications, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to enhance productivity and focus more on strategic marketing initiatives.


i. Extensive App Integration

Zapier boasts integration capabilities with over 3,000 web apps, including popular marketing tools, social media platforms, CRM systems, and more.

This extensive connectivity allows marketers to automate workflows between their favorite tools, such as automatically posting social media content from RSS feeds or syncing new leads from a landing page into a CRM.

ii. Automated Workflows (Zaps)

The core of Zapier’s functionality lies in its “Zaps,” which are automated workflows that trigger actions based on specified events.

For example, a Zap could be set to trigger an email notification when a new lead is captured on a landing page or to update a spreadsheet when a new sale is made.

iii. Multi-Step Zaps

Unlike basic task automation tools, Zapier allows the creation of multi-step Zaps that can automate complex sequences involving multiple actions and conditions.

This feature enables marketers to craft detailed, customized workflows that cater to intricate marketing processes, enhancing overall efficiency and coherence in digital strategies.

iv. Task History and Troubleshooting

Zapier provides a detailed history of all tasks processed through its system, which is invaluable for troubleshooting and optimizing workflows.

This transparency helps marketers understand where bottlenecks or failures occur and how to refine their Zaps for better performance.

Pricing Plan


marketing tasks


  • Free ($0 per month): Provides access to the Zapier automation platform with unlimited zaps, two-step zaps, and AI power-ups, suitable for individuals or small businesses starting with automation.

  • Professional ($19 per month): This plan allows for multi-step zaps, unlimited use of premium apps, webhooks for custom integrations, and email support. It is ideal for professionals needing more complex workflows.

  • Team ($69 per month): Offers unlimited user access, shared workspaces, shared app connections, and premier support designed for teams looking to collaborate and streamline their processes efficiently.

  • Enterprise (Custom pricing): Provides advanced admin permissions, app controls, and customizable annual task limits tailored for large organizations requiring extensive automation capabilities and enterprise-grade security.

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7. Influencity (for Influencer Marketing)


social media managers


Influencity is a comprehensive AI-powered platform designed to streamline and optimize influencer marketing campaigns. This tool aids marketing teams in discovering, analyzing, and engaging with influencers across various social media platforms.

By harnessing the power of data analytics and AI, Influencity provides deep insights into influencer performance and audience demographics, making it an essential tool for brands looking to maximize their influencer marketing strategies.


i. Influencer Discovery and Management

Influencity allows users to search for influencers using detailed criteria such as location, audience demographics, engagement rate, and more.

This precision helps brands find the perfect match for their marketing campaigns. Once identified, influencers can manage directly through the platform, which organizes campaign details and communications efficiently.

ii. Detailed Analytics

One of the key strengths of Influencity is its robust analytics capabilities. The platform offers in-depth insights into influencer performance, including audience engagement, campaign reach, and the overall impact of social media efforts.

These analytics help marketers measure ROI and optimize their strategies for better results.

iii. Campaign Management Tools

Influencity provides comprehensive tools to manage multiple influencer campaigns simultaneously. This includes planning, executing, and monitoring all aspects of campaigns from a unified dashboard.

Features like automated workflows, task assignments, and progress tracking simplify campaign management and enhance collaboration among team members.

iv. Audience Insights

Understanding the audience is crucial in influencer marketing. Influencity excels in providing detailed demographic and psychographic data about the audiences of specific influencers.

v. Predictive Analytics

Leveraging machine learning algorithms, Influencity offers predictive insights that help brands forecast campaign outcomes based on historical data and market trends. This predictive capability enables marketers to make informed decisions and proactively adjust strategies for maximum impact.



AI tool for major social media platforms


  • Basic ($158 per month): Provides 5,000 monthly results, storage for 100 influencers, 30 monthly profile analyses, and 1 segmentation list, making it suitable for small businesses starting with influencer marketing.

  • Professional ($318 per month): Increases to 10,000 monthly results, allows for 600 stored influencers, 150 monthly profile analyses, 100 segmentation lists, and includes 3,000 monthly outreach emails, designed for growing businesses that need more extensive influencer engagement.

  • Business ($798 per month): Offers 25,000 monthly results, storage for 2,000 influencers, 500 monthly profile analyses, maintains 100 segmentation lists, and provides 10,000 monthly outreach emails, ideal for large businesses with high-volume influencer marketing campaigns.

  • Enterprise (Custom pricing): Tailored for very large or specific needs, offering customized solutions for influencer storage, result quantities, profile analyses, segmentation, and outreach capabilities, perfect for organizations needing a highly personalized approach to influencer marketing.

8. (for Digital Advertising Optimization)


for digital marketing professionals is an advanced AI-driven platform specifically designed to enhance digital advertising campaigns across multiple channels.

This innovative tool uses artificial intelligence to automate and optimize online advertising efforts, helping marketing teams achieve unprecedented efficiency and effectiveness in their digital strategies. is ideal for businesses seeking to leverage data-driven insights to refine ad placements, tailor messaging, and ultimately maximize ROI from their digital ad spend.


i. Automated Media Buying excels in automating the media buying process. The platform uses AI to analyze data from past campaigns and real-time inputs to determine the best advertising spaces and times for placing ads.

ii. Cross-Channel Optimization provides a holistic view of campaign performance across all digital channels, including social media, search engines, and more. This capability allows marketers to understand which channels are performing best and allocate budgets accordingly.

iii. Audience Targeting and Segmentation

Using sophisticated AI algorithms, helps refine audience targeting strategies. The platform analyzes audience behavior and engagement patterns to segment users more effectively and predict which demographics are most likely to convert.

iv. Performance Analytics and Insights offers detailed analytics that measures the effectiveness of campaigns in real time. These insights include key performance indicators such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall ROI.

v. Creative Optimization

Albert not only optimizes ad placement and timing but also offers insights into the innovative elements of ads. The AI analyzes which images, headlines, and call-to-actions (CTAs) perform best, providing recommendations for future ads based on successful elements from past campaigns.


The pricing details for are not publicly available on their website. To understand the cost and to obtain a tailored pricing plan that best fits your business needs, you’ll need to contact the team directly.

9. Brand24 (for Social Media Monitoring and Analytics)


social media content creation


Brand24 is a powerful AI-powered tool designed specifically for social media monitoring and analytics. This platform provides businesses with the ability to track and analyze online conversations about their brand, products, or industry across various social media channels and the web.

By using advanced machine learning algorithms, Brand24 helps marketing teams gauge public sentiment, manage their online reputation, and engage with customers in real time.

This tool is ideal for companies looking to proactively respond to customer feedback and capitalize on social media trends, Brand24 is an essential tool for maintaining a strong digital presence.


i. Real-Time Monitoring

Brand24 offers real-time monitoring capabilities, which means businesses can instantly know when and where their brand is mentioned online. This immediate feedback allows companies to respond swiftly to customer inquiries, complaints, or praise, enhancing customer service and engagement.

ii. Mention Analytics

The platform analyzes each mention using advanced natural language processing techniques to provide insights into the sentiment and reach of online conversations. This feature helps marketers understand the impact of social media discussions on brand perception and identify potential areas for improvement or crisis management.

iii. Influencer Identification

Brand24 helps identify key influencers and brand advocates who can potentially amplify marketing messages. By understanding who is talking about the brand and their influence level, businesses can strategically partner with these individuals to increase their reach and credibility within the target market.

iv. Competitive Analysis

The platform allows businesses to monitor not just their brand mentions but also those of their competitors. This competitive analysis provides valuable insights into competitor strategies and market dynamics, enabling companies to refine their marketing approaches and capitalize on opportunities.



social media strategy


  • Individual ($79 per month): Offers tracking for 3 keywords, 2,000 mentions, and one user, with updates every 12 hours and access to basic AI features suitable for individuals or small businesses monitoring their brand presence.

  • Team ($149 per month): Increases capability to 7 keywords, 5,000 mentions, and allows for unlimited users, with updates every hour and continued access to basic AI features, designed for small teams needing frequent updates on their brand monitoring.

  • Pro ($199 per month): Expands further to 12 keywords, 25,000 mentions, and includes unlimited users, with real-time updates and advanced AI features, ideal for professionals requiring comprehensive media monitoring with instant data refresh.

  • Enterprise ($399 per month): Provides the most extensive coverage with 25 keywords, 100,000 mentions, and unlimited users, offering real-time updates and advanced AI features for large businesses or agencies that manage multiple brands or need extensive social listening capabilities.

10. Headlime (for Copywriting and Content Generation)


content marketing tools


Headlime is a sophisticated AI tool designed to streamline the copywriting process and enhance content generation for digital marketing.

By automating the creation of compelling copy, Headlime helps marketers quickly produce high-quality content that resonates with their target audience for several blog post.

This AI writing assistant tool is ideal for businesses looking to efficiently generate various types of written content, including ads, emails, website copy, and blog posts, ensuring consistency and creativity across all marketing channels.


i. Diverse Content Template

Headlime provides a wide array of templates specifically designed for different marketing needs. These templates cover everything from email marketing campaigns and social media posts to product descriptions and advertising copy.

By using these pre-designed formats, marketers can easily create tailored content that aligns with their specific objectives, saving time and enhancing content quality.

ii. Automated Headline Creation

One of the standout features of Headlime is its ability to generate attention-grabbing headlines. The tool uses advanced algorithms to craft headlines that are not only catchy but also optimized for SEO. This feature is crucial for increasing click-through rates and engaging readers right from the start of their interaction with your content.

iii. Personalization Features

Headlime offers advanced personalization capabilities, allowing users to input key details about their brand and audience. The tool then incorporates these elements into the content, ensuring that each piece tailored to reflect the brand’s voice and appeal directly to the intended demographic.

iv. Collaborative Tools

For teams, Headlime includes features that facilitate collaboration among writers and marketers. Users can share drafts, provide feedback, and make edits in real-time, streamlining the content creation process and ensuring that all team members are aligned with the campaign’s goals.

Integration with Google Docs enhances this feature by providing a familiar and accessible platform for document management and editing.

v. Language and Tone Adjustment

Understanding the importance of tone in marketing communications, Headlime allows users to select and adjust the tone of the content to match the brand’s style and the audience’s expectations.

Whether the need is for professional, conversational, or playful content, Headlime can adapt its output to fit the desired tone, enhancing the effectiveness of the communication.



ai marketing tool


  • Individual ($59 per month): Offers 1500 credits per month for access to all features, including the creation of 25 blogs, 6,000 Facebook ads, 5,000 taglines, 10,000 website headlines, 75 landing pages, and 5,000 blog headlines, suitable for individual users or small businesses needing moderate content generation.

  • Business ($399 per month): Provides unlimited credits and unrestricted access to create unlimited blogs, Facebook ads, taglines, website headlines, landing pages, and blog headlines, ideal for large businesses or agencies with extensive content needs across multiple platforms.

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11. Acrolinx (for Content Optimization and Strategy)


marketing content


Acrolinx is a sophisticated AI-driven platform designed to fine-tune content strategy and enhance the quality of all written materials within an organization.

It serves as an invaluable asset for teams looking to maintain customer data, consistency, improve readability, and optimize the SEO performance of their content across various digital platforms.

This tool is particularly useful for large enterprises that produce vast amounts of content and require a unified voice and style across all communication channels.


i. Guided Writing Assistance

Acrolinx offers an advanced guided writing tool that analyzes existing content against best practices and your predefined style guide to provide real-time feedback and suggestions for improvement.

This helps writers fine-tune their work for clarity, style, tone, and SEO, ensuring that every piece of content not only engages the intended audience but also supports the organization’s SEO strategy.

ii. Scalable Content Audits

The platform can perform comprehensive audits of your content repository, identifying inconsistencies, gaps, and opportunities for enhancement. These audits are crucial for large organizations looking to maintain a cohesive content strategy and brand voice across all their marketing materials.

iii. SEO and Readability Optimization

Acrolinx incorporates SEO insights directly into the writing process, suggesting keywords, optimizing sentence structure, and ensuring that content is both reader-friendly and likely to rank well in search engine results. This dual focus on readability and SEO makes it a powerful tool for content creators aimed at boosting online visibility.

iv. Customizable Style Guides

One of Acrolinx’s key features is its ability to adapt to various style guides specified by the user. This customization allows companies to consistently enforce their unique brand voice across all written content, which is essential for brand recognition and customer engagement.

v. Integration Capabilities

Acrolinx integrates seamlessly with a range of content management systems and digital authoring tools. This flexibility ensures that the AI’s capabilities are accessible right where the content is created, streamlining the optimization process and enhancing workflow efficiency.


Acrolinx offers custom pricing tailored to the needs and scale of the business. This approach ensures that organizations only pay for the features they need and can scale their use of the tool as their content strategy evolves.

Interested partners need to contact Acrolinx directly to discuss their specific requirements and receive a tailored quote.

12. Seventh Sense (for Email Marketing Optimization)


email marketing tool


Seventh Sense is an AI-powered platform designed to optimize email marketing campaigns through advanced analytics and timing optimization.

This tool is crucial for marketers who want to maximize the impact of their email strategies by ensuring that messages are sent at the optimal time for each recipient.

By analyzing user interaction data, Seventh Sense helps businesses increase engagement rates, decrease unsubscribe rates, and improve overall campaign performance.


i. Individual Send Time Optimization

Seventh Sense analyzes the engagement patterns of each email recipient to determine the best possible time to send emails, thereby increasing the likelihood of opens and clicks.

This personalized approach ensures that emails do not get lost in crowded inboxes but reach recipients when they are most likely to engage.

ii. Engagement-Based Segmentation

The platform uses machine learning algorithms to segment email lists based on how recipients interact with emails.

This segmentation allows marketers to tailor their campaigns more precisely, targeting users with content that aligns with their level of engagement and interests, thus enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of marketing efforts.

iii. Email Fatigue Analysis

Seventh Sense helps prevent email fatigue by monitoring how often and how many emails are sent to each contact. The tool suggests optimal emailing frequencies that keep subscribers engaged without overwhelming them, helping to maintain a healthy balance and preserve the quality of the subscriber base.

iv. Performance Analytics

Comprehensive analytics provide deep insights into the performance of email campaigns, from general trends to detailed recipient behavior.

Marketers can use this data to refine their strategies, make informed decisions about content adjustments, and better understand the ROI of their email marketing efforts.

v. A/B Testing for Send Times

In addition to content A/B testing, Seventh Sense offers A/B testing for send times, allowing marketers to experiment with different timing strategies to find the most effective approach for their audience. This testing can lead to significant improvements in open and conversion rates.


HubSpot Pricing


ai marketing tool


  • Business ($80/month when billed annually): Includes 5,000 marketing contacts and features such as nurture campaigns, batch email campaigns, email frequency optimization, unlimited users, personalized onboarding, and email support.

  • Enterprise (Custom pricing, billed annually): Supports up to 150,000 contacts and includes features such as phone support and 24×7 priority support, tailored for larger businesses that need more comprehensive customer management and support services.

Marketo Pricing


ai marketing tools


  • Business ($450/month when billed annually): Allows up to 50,000 leads with unlimited usage, both triggered and batch email campaigns, email throttling, and access to unlimited historical engagement data.

  • Enterprise (Custom pricing, billed annually): Supports up to 300,000 leads and includes similar features as the Business plan with the addition of phone support and 24×7 priority support, designed for large-scale operations needing extensive marketing automation and data analysis capabilities.

Why Use AI Tools in Marketing?

The integration of AI tools in marketing is not just a trend but a pivotal element of successful strategies. These AI-powered tools are transforming the way brands interact with their target audience, streamline operations, and utilize data for more personalized marketing efforts.

Using the best AI marketing tools offers a blend of efficiency, precision, and adaptability, making them indispensable in the modern digital marketing landscape.

Here is why embracing these paid AI tools for marketing can be a game-changer for your business.

i. Enhanced Data Analysis

AI tools employ advanced machine learning techniques to sift through vast amounts of data, identifying patterns and insights that human analysts might miss.

For digital marketing teams, this means being able to understand customer behaviors, preferences, and trends at a granular level.

By leveraging AI marketing tools, businesses can refine their strategies to target audiences more effectively, ensuring that marketing resources are invested in the right channels and campaigns.

These insights can dramatically improve the ROI of digital marketing efforts by aligning them more closely with the actual needs and desires of consumers.

ii. Improved Customer Engagement

Artificial intelligence excels in automating interaction with customers across multiple platforms, from social media posts to customer service inquiries.

AI tools can be programmed to respond to customer queries in real time, using natural language processing to understand and react in ways that are both helpful and contextually appropriate.

This capability not only enhances customer satisfaction but also frees up human resources to focus on more complex tasks. Additionally, AI-powered tools can analyze the effectiveness of different types of engagement, such as audio and video content on landing pages or social media, helping to tailor content creation that resonates best with audiences.

iii. Automation of Repetitive Tasks

One of the most significant advantages of using paid AI tools for marketing is their ability to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

Whether it is scheduling social media posts, managing email marketing campaigns, or updating landing pages, AI tools can handle these tasks with greater precision and efficiency.

This level of automation allows marketing teams to focus on strategy and creative aspects of marketing that require human insight, thereby increasing overall productivity and effectiveness.

iv. Content Creation and Optimization

AI marketing tool revolutionize content creation by generating ideas, drafting content, and optimizing it for search engines all in one go. These AI writing tools use machine learning to understand your brand’s voice and the nuances of your target market’s language, making it easier to produce content that is both SEO-friendly and appealing to readers.

Also, AI-driven content strategies ensure that all content is aligned with the overall marketing goals, consistently supporting campaigns across all digital channels.

v. Scalability and Learning

AI tools are not static; they learn and evolve. AI marketing tools analyze ongoing processes and continuously learn from new data, which means they become more efficient over time.

This ability to adapt and improve makes AI an invaluable asset for scaling marketing efforts, especially as markets evolve and new trends emerge. As they learn, these tools can identify new opportunities for engagement and optimization, ensuring that marketing strategies remain effective and agile.



best ai marketing tools


As we look to the future, the role of AI in shaping the marketing landscape is poised to expand even further, transforming how brands interact with their customers and streamline their operations.

From personalized content creation to sophisticated data analysis and automated customer interactions, AI’s footprint in marketing will only deepen, offering unprecedented efficiency and insight.

Embrace the power of these AI tools to not only keep pace with industry trends but also to set the standard in your marketing efforts.

Explore the capabilities of AI tools for marketing and see firsthand how they can elevate your strategy, enhance your productivity, and expand your creative horizons. The future of marketing is bright and AI-driven. Do not miss your chance to be at the forefront of this exciting evolution.


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Oladejo Elisha

I'm a Digital Marketer, Blogger, Content marketer, and SEO expert with proven results. I’m detail-oriented, results-driven, and dedicated to helping my clients achieve their goals.

Whether you're looking to increase your website traffic or boost your online revenue, I can help you achieve your goals. Let’s work together.

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I’m a  Digital Marketer Blogger, Content marketer, and SEO expert with proven results. I’m detail-oriented, results-driven, and dedicated to helping my clients achieve their goals. Whether you’re looking to increase your website traffic or boost your online revenue, I can help you achieve your goals. Let’s work together.

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Oladejo Elisha. A Digital Marketer Blogger, Content marketer, and SEO specialist who loves the internet space so much that the competition drives me to the top as I keep finding ways to prove them irrelevant.